It's confusing to know that I get such thoughts exactly when I haven't much started with studies on the night before exams(4:00 AM is actually the exam morning, I know!).. The most common word becomes: "anyway" and its speaker and receiver are one, Me. I just escape from a million "Why"s too many times, so as to concentrate(:P) on the subject next day. The subject's importance hardly sounds evident, at the very wrong moment. Cursing the teacher for not teaching at all, cursing MU for not educating at all and cursing myself for the ghissugiri to get "marks"(pronounce it in a tone you'll pronounce "Yuck!" :/ ), all that grinds inside my head are the following lines:
What is 'a lot' today
Nothing will stay alive always. There's an end to all, the only certainty.
And yeah, even though the end is certain, how will end happen, still remains a mystery.. :)
Not that it's all about the positive turning into negative.
The chaos today will bring peace to the world.
The observer of half emptiness will see half the glass colored.
The wounds today would heal with strengthened blood.
The fall of today can sing to the spring.
And the heart of the devil will learn to love God like a sibling.
But if tomorrow comes,
If... as, even that's not certain..
I pray that it be unknown.
Unexpected and especially NEW..
Let it be the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the question or the answer..
Just hope that you'll experience it, with a thrill that makes you and keeps you alive..
At the end, it's not about being alive or dead, it's about living!
And the only certainty is, that the chosen one to experience my future, is..No one, but me! :D (P.S. : It's better and advisable to end a note on an optimistic note. :P )
Your ways ahead are undiscovered and eternal.. And it's a journey you gotta venture alone..
P.S.2 : All the tagged relatives, I am all right, don't worry. :)
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